Ski Rex Media Podcast

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Episode 5 - All Things Must Come To An End
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
It's an old saying, but it's true...all things must come to an end. In this case, it's the end of the Off-Season Shenanigans version of the Ski Rex Media Podcast. It's time for me, and I'm sure most of you, to start looking ahead to the next season. That means passes, plans, and equipment repairs and upgrades for all of us, as well as Ski Rex Media business for the coming season for me. That's what this episode is all about. The turn from summer to autumn to the snow sports season. Thank you for listening through the off-season and I look forward to making more of the regular Ski Rex Media Podcast for the on-season. I'll see you out there! Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoyed it.
Also, I mention this in the episode, but if you have suggestions for guests, topics, would like to be a guest or anything for the coming Ski Rex Media Podcast season, please let me know. Send me a DM on social media or email me at Thanks!
Be sure to check out the Ski Rex Media Partners, as well:
Whaleback Mountain - Saint Custom Ski & Snowboards
I’m a Snowbound Expo Media Partner again this year! I’ll be there and I think you should join me from November 3-5 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Head to to get your tickets!
Please follow/subscribe to the Ski Rex Media Podcast on Podbean, your favorite podcast app, or YouTube.
Head to for more from Ski Rex Media, which includes links to social media, contact links, merch, and a link to the Ski Rex Media Patreon page, which is at Subscribing there gets you the podcast on Sunday instead of Wednesday, priority call-ins during live streams, bonuses, and other tasty tidbits. Thank you!!!

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Episode 4 - Music & Mini-Golf
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Hi there! How's the off-season treating you so far? For me, I'm still up to a bit of off-season shenanigans...some of which I talk about in this episode. This week, I talk about music as an off-season shenanigan, as well as ways to make music a bigger part of Ski Rex Media. Well, I sort of talk about that. I also talk about playing mini-golf, which is as much about spending time with family as it is playing mini-golf. What do I mean? Listen to this episode and you'll know. Thank you for listening once again. I hope that you enjoyed it. Thanks!
Be sure to check out the Ski Rex Media Partners, as well:
Whaleback Mountain - Saint Custom Ski & Snowboards
Please follow/subscribe to the Ski Rex Media Podcast on Podbean, your favorite podcast app, or YouTube.
Head to for more from Ski Rex Media, which includes links to social media, contact links, merch, and a link to the Ski Rex Media Patreon page, which is at Subscribing there gets you the podcast on Sunday instead of Wednesday, priority call-ins during live streams, bonuses, and other tasty tidbits. Thank you!!!

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Hi! I hope you're ready for another Ski Rex Media Podcast - Off-Season Shenanigans Edition! You should be since I'm a week late, which is one of the things I go over in this episode. I also go over the Vermont flooding from last week, and then I throw in a bonus piece about the Little Cottonwood Canyon, a news story also from last week. Thank you again for listening and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks!
Be sure to check out the Ski Rex Media Partners, as well:
Whaleback Mountain - Saint Custom Ski & Snowboards
I’m a Snowbound Expo Media Partner again this year! I’ll be there and I think you should join me from November 3-5 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. In fact, if you use the code SKIREXMEDIA when you buy tickets, you can get them for $1. Hurry! The code is only good until July 31st! Head to to get your tickets!
Please follow/subscribe to the Ski Rex Media Podcast on Podbean, your favorite podcast app, or YouTube.
Head to for more from Ski Rex Media, which includes links to social media, contact links, merch, and a link to the Ski Rex Media Patreon page, which is at Subscribing there gets you the podcast on Sunday instead of Wednesday, priority call-ins during live streams, bonuses, and other tasty tidbits. Thank you!!!

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Episode 2 - No...We Are Chasing Waterfalls
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
For the second episode of the Off-Season Shenanigans version of the podcast, I'm doing a little solo work. I was thinking about some of the things I like to do in the off-season and I wanted to share one of those with you. Think of this episode as a suggestion of a way to keep busy until the snow returns. For this episode, I'm talking about waterfalls. We've all heard about the big ones that get millions of visitors each year, but why not check out some of the smaller ones? In fact, some of the smaller ones are right around the corner from the ski areas and resorts we're hanging out at during the other times of the year. You know me...I enjoy being out in nature and this is a great way to take it all in. Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy the Off-Season Shenanigans program. Thanks!
Be sure to check out the Ski Rex Media Partners, as well:
Whaleback Mountain - Saint Custom Ski & Snowboards
I’m a Snowbound Expo Media Partner again this year! I’ll be there and I think you should join me from November 3-5 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. In fact, if you use the code SKIREXMEDIA when you buy tickets, you can get them for $1. Hurry! Only the first 5,000 will be a dollar. Head to to get your tickets!
Please follow/subscribe to the Ski Rex Media Podcast on Podbean, your favorite podcast app, or YouTube.
Head to for more from Ski Rex Media, which includes links to social media, contact links, merch, and a link to the Ski Rex Media Patreon page, which is at Subscribing there gets you the podcast on Sunday instead of Wednesday, priority call-ins during live streams, bonuses, and other tasty tidbits. Thank you!!!

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Episode 1 - Summer Reading List - ”Without Restraint” With Authors Robert & Ryan DeLena
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
The Ski Rex Media Podcast Begins Again! I bring to you the first of the Off-Season Shenanigans episodes! For this episode, I bring to you not one, but two authors of the same book. Join me and my guests, Robert & Ryan DeLena as we discuss their book, Without Restraint: How Skiing Saved My Son's Life. We go over the book with very few spoilers, getting into some general snow sports talk, and a bit of name-dropping. That's right, we did it together and you know that's one of my favorite bits. In any case, this is a great way to start a new season & version of the podcast. I do hope that you enjoy it.
If you'd like to pick up a copy for yourself...hard copy, audiobook, or ebook, I have some links for you:
Amazon (Hard Copy, Audio Book, eBook)
Barnes & Noble (Hard Copy, Audio Book, eBook)
For even more places to purchase the book, more about the authors, and contact and social media links, head to the DeLena's website at
As we talked about in the episode, if you would like to follow along with Robert & Ryan's adventures, follow them on Instagram. @extreme_ryan_delena and @robert.delena. You can also check out Ryan's YouTube channel at
Be sure to check out the Ski Rex Media Partners, as well:
Whaleback Mountain - Saint Custom Ski & Snowboards
I’m a Snowbound Expo Media Partner again this year! I’ll be there and I think you should join me from November 3-5 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. In fact, if you use the code SKIREXMEDIA when you buy tickets, you can get them for $1. Hurry! Only the first 5,000 will be a dollar. Head to to get your tickets!
Please follow/subscribe to the Ski Rex Media Podcast on Podbean, your favorite podcast app, or YouTube.
Head to for more from Ski Rex Media, which includes links to social media, contact links, merch, and a link to the Ski Rex Media Patreon page, which is at Subscribing there gets you the podcast on Sunday instead of Wednesday, priority call-ins during live streams, bonuses, and other tasty tidbits. Thank you!!!

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Episode Thirty-One - The Season Four Finale Featuring Scooter & Thrasher
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
It's that time of year again. The snow is melting, the rain is falling, and everything is growing and turning green again. At least it is here in the Northeast. Since the outside snow sports season is coming to an end here, I thought it would be a good time to close out Season Four of the Ski Rex Media Podcast. For the finale, I wanted to do a call-in show, which is exactly what I did. Spoiler alert...there were only two callers, but that's fine. You still get an hour and a half of show. Not bad, right? We'll try it again during the Off-Season for the Off-Season Shenanigans Podcast. What do you think of that? Thank you for sticking with the Ski Rex Media Podcast for Season Four. I really do appreciate it and I really hoped you enjoyed it. Enjoy the off-season if you have one and the Ski Rex Media Podcast will be back for Season Five this fall. Thanks!
Be sure to check out the Ski Rex Media Partners, as well:
Whaleback Mountain - Saint Custom Ski & Snowboards
I’m a Snowbound Expo Media Partner again this year! I’ll be there and I think you should join me from November 3-5 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. In fact, if you use the code SKIREXMEDIA when you buy tickets, you can get them for $1. Hurry! Only the first 5,000 will be a dollar. Head to to get your tickets!
Please follow/subscribe to the Ski Rex Media Podcast on Podbean, your favorite podcast app, or YouTube.
Head to for more from Ski Rex Media, which includes links to social media, contact links, merch, and a link to the Ski Rex Media Patreon page, which is at Subscribing there gets you the podcast on Sunday instead of Wednesday, priority call-ins during live streams, bonuses, and other tasty tidbits. Thank you!!!
The MacKenzie From Ski Rex Media character was created at

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Season Four Finale Announcement & Trailer
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
As the rain falls outside and the outdoor season here in New England grinds to a halt, so does the on-season run of the Ski Rex Media Podcast. There is not a new episode this week so I can prepare for recording the Season Four Finale this Friday night! Here's the cool part...that recording session is going to be a call-in recording session. That's right, you will be able to call into the program and participate. Listen to the trailer for more details and be ready this Friday night, May 5th, from 7 to 10 PM Eastern Time here in the U.S. Thanks for listening!
Be sure to check out the Ski Rex Media Partners, as well:
Whaleback Mountain - Saint Custom Ski & Snowboards
Please follow/subscribe to the Ski Rex Media Podcast on Podbean, your favorite podcast app, or YouTube.
Head to for more from Ski Rex Media, which includes links to social media, contact links, merch, and a link to the Ski Rex Media Patreon page, which is at Subscribing there gets you the podcast on Sunday instead of Wednesday, priority call-ins during live streams, bonuses, and other tasty tidbits. Thank you!!!

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Episode Thirty - A Post Season Podcast From The Side Of Whaleback Mountain
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Good Day, All! It's time for another new Ski Rex Media Podcast episode! This week, I present another solo episode and another experimental episode. I have been wanting to experiment with podcasts recorded while on the move and since I was on the move recently, I thought it was as good a time as any to try it. In this case, I was moving uphill at Whaleback Mountain a couple of weeks after their closing day and decided to share some of my thoughts on the experience while I was taking a break. I also give a shout out to those that participate in the uphill experience. This is short compared to some of my other episodes, but I hope you enjoy it just the same. Thank you for listening!
Be sure to check out the Ski Rex Media Partners, as well:
Whaleback Mountain - Saint Custom Ski & Snowboards
Please follow/subscribe to the Ski Rex Media Podcast on Podbean, your favorite podcast app, or YouTube.
Head to for more from Ski Rex Media, which includes links to social media, contact links, merch, and a link to the Ski Rex Media Patreon page, which is at Subscribing there gets you the podcast on Sunday instead of Wednesday, priority call-ins during live streams, bonuses, and other tasty tidbits. Thank you!!!
The MacKenzie From Ski Rex Media character was created at